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If you're thinking of moving/relocating to Kotzebue, and trying to calculate living expenses, here is a quick survey of some prices in the Summer of 2006, Fall of 2007 and winter, 2009 to help you out. Prices may change without notice, and there are often bulk sales or discounts and web-specials to consider. Rises in US Postal Service rates affect prices greatly.
Alcohol info and Limits in a Damp/Dry Bush Alaska Region
Comparison Summer 2007 / Winter 2010 / Spring 2011
$1,100 to $1,500/Month(2 Bedroom) / $1,100 to $2,000(3 Bedroom) KEA Electric: $50-$300/month / $8 to $400 $0.245 per kwh w/Power Cost Equalization (would be $0.397 per kwh without PCE) Fuel/Stove Oil: $5.99 per gallon delivered ($5.91 per gallon over 200 gallons) City Water/Sewer: $138/month Flat per household Gasoline: $7.25/Gallon at Pumps / OTZ Phone: $25.00/month + OTZ Internet DSL: $30-$65/Month GCI Cable: $60-$90/Month Post Office Box: Free (No street delivery) ![]()
Cab Fare: $5.00 per person anywhere. $5.00 per stop. Discounts for Kids and Seniors.
Flights: Alaska Airlines allows (flights inside the state) 150lbs (3 bags x up to 50lbs) of cargo per passenger. Era allows 70lbs. So families can pack quite a bit up on a normal flight, if they have storage.
Cargo: $0.30-1.30/lb Fairbanks to Kotzebue; $0.25/lb Kotzebue to Fairbanks
Car Rental $145/day, $795/week, $2995/Month
There are, however, cabs, and everywhere is really in walking distance.
Sample Food PricesNow with a comparison to Fairbanks, Alaska Grocery Store Prices
Another perspective on prices in Kotzebue
- City of Kotzebue -
- Administration Department -
- Recreation Department -
- Kotzebue Police Department -
- Kotzebue Regional Jail Facility -
- Kotzebue Volunteer Fire Department -
- Refuse Department -
- Recycling in Kotzebue -