Ernest Hyatt - Supervisor
Residential Trash Pick-up Schedule
All residences South of Bison street are picked up on Tuesday.
All residences North of Bison street are picked up on Thursday.
If your pick-up day falls on a holiday, pick-ups will be done the next work day.
Oil, paint/solvents and batteries must be brought to the Baler Building weekdays
between 10am 12 noon and 1pm 5pm for proper disposal.
Oil should be in 1 gallon containers.
Do NOT throw batteries in with household garbage!
Platform is high enough to keep dogs out, open toward the road and have wire or wood on top to keep out birds.
Knotted ropes or bungee cords are good to put on the front to discourage birds as well.
This trash-container is made by the Kotzebue High School Wrestling Team,
and can be ordered for $200.00. Profits to benefit the Huskies
Contact: Walt Maslan at Maniilaq, Coach McKenney at 442-4382
e-mail: fmckenney(at) or Nancy Mercer at City Hall.
A bale of trash, compacted and ready to go to the landfill.
Refrigerators have to have the refrigerant removed before dumping.
Kotzebue Municipal Ordinance states:
It shall be the duty of an person owning or controlling a private premises including vacant lots visibile from any public place or private premises, to maintain such premises in a reasonably clean and orderly manner and to a standard conforming to other orderly primises in that vicinity. It is in violation to abandon, neglect or disregard the condition or appearance of any premises so as to permit it to accumulate little thereon. Kotzebue Municipal Code 8.04.110.
Contact the Public Works Office at 442-3470 Ext. 117 with any questions.
- City of Kotzebue -