City of Kotzebue
Thank you for your interest!
Fans of Kotzebue on Facebook
Our Dispatch receives 10-20 bogus calls every DAY
The Public is always invited
February 8
February 9
Shore Avenue Project Page
Know anyone in the Kotzebue area with a famous name?
Now over 15 Megabytes of Photos!
Photographs of Kotzebue Alaska
Do You have a picture you'd like to share of Kotzebue or it's people?
Kotzebue is the location of many other services and businesses:
- - -
View Our Guestbook
- City of Kotzebue -
The Awesome New
Please make your bookmark or Link.
City of Kotzebue Web-Site is HERE!
We'll be adjusting the rest of the site and links. Pardon any omissions.
258A Third Avenue
PO Box 46, Kotzebue, AK 99752
(907) 442-3401
Kotzebue's Best Link to the Internet!
The City of Kotzebue Web-Page is dedicated to providing useful and
accurate information to the People of the City of Kotzebue
and other interested parties.The City, or Native Village, of Kotzebue is located 33 miles North of the Arctic Circle on Alaska's Western coast.
Latitude and Longitudes of Cities in Alaska
Questions about Kotzebue? Write the City Office, e-mail: lcraik(at) .
How to obtain a Kotzebue Police Department Patch
Please use the navigation bar to the left to view our site. Visit the Police Department, City Jail, Recreation, Fire Department and other City Departments. Visit links of businesses or pictures from or in the Native Village of Kotzebue. Links are in color, just click on them.
Pictures may have captions, place your pointer over the picture for 1 second.
or Search for Kotzebue at
Don't let your kids play with the phone-
especially Cell Phones
from Local and the Villages
Teach them how to call for help,
their name and where they are.
Also- GCI phones - SOS is 9-1-1, not the help-desk!
and lock your keyboards - many pocket-dialings happen every day as well.
City Activities in Kotzebue
The Awesome New City of Kotzebue Web-Site is HERE!
New Web-Site
Please make your bookmark or Link.
City Council Meetings
(generally the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month at 5 p.m.)
February 2, 16
Local Beverage Control Board
(5pm in Council Chambers)
(generally the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m.,
further meetings as necessary)
Planning Commission Meeting
Planning Commission
(2nd Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m.)
Shore Avenue Erosion Project
for more information and archives.
Famous Kotzebue Folk
Now at 89 names! (10-15-11)
Check our Photo and Video Collections:
Many New Photos and videos every Month! Keep checking back!
Current & Historical Pictures
Can you put a date to them or identify people?
Many new Video links to
Send digital photos to, or contact Don Goertz,
Kotzebue Web-Site Designer.
at dgoertz(at)
or mail/drop off at Kotzebue City Hall
Prints can be scanned in and returned to you.
City Employment Opportunities
Click Here!
City Holidays in 2012:
Pursuant to Kotzebue Personnel Policy Manual 1.70:
New Year’s Day- Monday, January 2, 2012
Martin Luther King's Birthday/Della Keats Day Monday, January 16
President's Day Monday, February 20
Seward’s Day Monday, March 26
Memorial Day Monday, May 28
Independence Day Wednesday July 4
Labor Day Monday, September 3
Veteran’s Day Thursday, November 9
Thanksgiving Thursday & Friday, November 22 & 23
Christmas Thursday & Friday, December 24 & 25
New Year's Eve-2012 Monday, January 1, 2013
For the Best Links Collection
for Kotzebue Businesses, Services, and Social Organizations,
Visit our Kotzebue Links Page!
#1 and Further Reasons to Live in the Arctic!
Find many links for Kotzebue Community Information,
Businesses and People, click here.
Kotzebue gained "All America City" award in 1980-81 Top City Government Web-Site Award
Site Meter Started May 8, 2001
13,270 on 12-01-02
22,800 7-01-03, 30,200 12-26-03,
42,580 8-25-04, 49,653 1-01-05
65,074 8-24-05, 76,491 1-31-06
91,790 8-09-06, 100,280 11-24-06
115,337 6-15-07 125,603 11-12-07
144,073 7-28-08, 153,668 1-04-09
175,635 11-05-09, 188,307 5-15-10
202,318 12-27-10, 211,553 5-28-11
Flag counter started April, 2010
Patch not available
(except perhaps on
Attention Residents of Kotzebue
Many people sign our Guestbook in search of old friends and relations.
and the Northwest Arctic Borough!
Please read the Guestbook below - maybe you can help them.
Sign Our Guestbook
This page prepared and maintained by Don Goertz,
City Web-designer
Contact Web-Designer
- Administration Department -
- Recreation Department -
- Kotzebue Police Department -
- Kotzebue Regional Jail -
- Kotzebue Fire Department -
- Public Works Department -
- Recycling in Kotzebue -