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If you can put a date or names to these pictures, contact us at dgoertz(at)
If you have pictures to share, send them (any format)!
Latest additions here at the top!
July 4th Weekend, 1971:
Willie Goodwin and 11 year-old adopted daughter Martha in Candle May, 1945:
Willie & Mary Goodwin
Willie & Mary Goodwin Trip from Candle to Keewalik:
Janet Lee in Dogsled:
Janet Lee in Keewalik by Abandoned Shack:
Archie Ferguson's Store. Taken 10-01-045.
Tall man on left is Gene Jack, Pilot & Manager of Arctic Circle Exploration Mining Operations at Candle.
Dancers and Drummers July 30, 1047 at the School House:
Thanks William Gregory!
Kotzebue Radar Site 1969
Kotzebue Radar Site 1977
Both pictures taken during preparations for an "Ice Fishing Contest" on ice off Front St. March, 1969
In center is C.C, Kelly (with pipe) 748 AC&W Sq. Commander.
Should be 1977 or 1978
People identified fo far: Martin Woods, Snooky Wilson, Brad Reeve, Wayne Norton, Virgil Kennedy, Dolly or Frances Arnold, Phyllis Short, Ed Burrk, Cordella Mendenhall, Glenda McLuke, Gilbert Schaeffer.
Can you find any more?
March, 1947 - Archie Ferguson's wife Beulah Levy
April, 1947 - Archie Ferguson & Doc Rabeau. He was the only M.D. in town.
April, 1947 - Isaac Hensley delivering Ice and Sheefish
April, 1947 - Archie Ferguson & Restaurant
April, 1947 - John Cross & Molly Berryman
April, 1947 - Alice Connelly, Jo Checkmite & Evelyn Reich, Nurses at Hospital
1947 - Dot Halbasch in snowbank by Radio Station
April, 1947 - Edna & Julie Todhunter
1945 - Eric, Betty, Butch and Dorothy at our back door
1945-1947 - Hospital (Now the School District building)
April, 1947 - John Cross Magid Building
March 1947 - Molly Berryman
March 1947 - Hugo & Gretchen Eckhart
March 1947 - Louis Rotman
1945 - 1947 - Kotzebue School
1945 - 1947 - Judy Halbasch - Ice breaking up in sound. Her new white rabbit parka.
1945 - 1947 - John Cross Trading Post
March 1947 - Uptown stores.
No roads, no cars. 2-3 mile walk to Radio Station.
March 1947 - Front Businesses
March 1947 - Jim Blanning (ACS) Bev Blanning
March 1947 - Chief Bob Halbasch at Kotzebue Station
Our dog - Siberian Husky
March 1947 - McEllan (Teacher) fish racks
March 1947 - Clara Rotman and Myra Levy - Rotman's Store
Early in World War II, the C.A.A.[precursor to the F.A.A.] established a series of weather/ Aviation Radio Stations in Western and S.E. Alaska. Their job was to provide Air to Ground Communications and weather information to local aircraft [Archie] and to military aircraft en route to Russia. Dot was a radio operator and used morse code to transmit this information. They lived in Government housing somewhere near the airport. No RADAR in those days. There was not one motorized vehicle in town. To go the 2-3 miles to town, they walked or went by dog sled!
If you're interested in copying any of the above pictures,
Contact Web-Designer as he will often have a
better (larger, highter definition) version available.
Photos here are all at 72dpi.
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