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If you can put a date or names to these pictures, contact us at dgoertz(at)
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Building on shore was warehouse and cannery owned by Don & Archie Fersuson.
Picture provided by Greg Zastava
The tall lady is Edna (Todhunter) Reynolds; the short one is
Carol (Flatt) Sycks. Carol is the daughter of Art and Dolly
(Todhunter) Flatt.
Larry Heavrin, M.D (who's provided these photos and text.
Nancy is now Mrs. Paul Yantchook and they live in the mountains of western NC.
Ida was the secretary at the hospital and one my favorite people. Is she still around?
Gerry was the hospital administrator in 1962.
Man in middle Levy (Beanie) Mills, Jr.; Nurse to right Josephine Sampson?
Dr. Wade Ortel was the senior officer at the hospital while I was there.
Dr. Bob Lathrop was the dentist and Petey, his wife, was his assistant. I am sure that all the people who were in Kotzebue in the 1960s will remember both of them.
Doc Harris cutting fish
If you're interested in copying any of the above pictures,
Contact Web-Designer as he will often have a
better (larger, highter definition) version available.
Photos here are all at 72dpi.
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