Historical Photographs of Kotzebue Alaska
Page 10 October, 1971 to October, 1972

Where is Kotzebue Alaska?

Herein are Historical Photographs of Kotzebue.

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This page has photos provided by Larry Pronovost
who was stationed at the Radar site.

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Barracks

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Airman's Lounge

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB bowling alley

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Cariboiu Cookout

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Civil

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Control - Diaz

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Crew

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Day Room

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Diaz

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Diaz

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Dome Check

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue National Forest

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Fuel Reserve

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Gym

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Height Radar

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Library

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Main Hall

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB NCO Lounge

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Roofs

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Scopes

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Sherman

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Signpost

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Snackbar

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Stream

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Supply Delivery

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Supply pickup

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Supply Plane "Reeve Aleutian Airlines"

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Supply Plane

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Tammy

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Tanks

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue AFB Tracking Board

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Airport

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Airport Hotel

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Bank "Alaska National Bank of Fairbanks - Kotzebue Branch"

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Bank

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Sound

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Beach Wreck

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Beach Wreck

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Beach Wreck

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Bush Plane

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Bush Plane

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Dog Sled

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Dog Sled

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Drying Frame

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Hospital

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Hotel

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Hut on the beach

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Inland Lake

July 4, 1972
Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Hook Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kick (August Nelson Jr kicking. Wilfred Lane? to right)

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kick (August Nelson Jr kicking.)

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Muktuk Eating Contest

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Muktuk Eating Contest (Queen Davis in center)

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Muktuk Eating Contest

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Muktuk Eating Contest

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Muktuk Eating Contest

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Opening Ceremonies

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Blanket Toss

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Tug o' war

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Tug o' war

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Northernmost Kentucky Fried Chicken

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Louis the Mailman

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Midnight

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Post Office

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Flight Out "Wein Consolidated Airlines"

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Sarah C Tug

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Sherman Fish

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Sled Dogs

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Snowmobile Airport

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Sound

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Sound

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Sound Beach

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Spring

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue street Snow

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue town view Base

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Town View

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Town View

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Town View

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Town View

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Town View

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Kotzebue Town View

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
White Alice

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
White Alice

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
White Alice Sunset

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Larry Pronovost shooting pool

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Larry Pronovost

Larry Pronovost 1971-72

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Larry Pronovost Room

Larry Pronovost 1971-72
Larry Pronovost at UPA35 Scope

Photos provided by Larry Pronovost (Contact "lpronovo(at)comcast.net")

If you're interested in copying any of the above pictures,
Contact Web-Designer

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