City Council Meetings
Seat. Council Member, Term Expiration
(generally the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month at 5 p.m.)
See City front page for actual dates.
Kotzebue City Council
Left to Right:
Nate Kotch, Eugene Smith, Matthew Tekker
Ernie Norton, Daisy Lambert, Leo Greene
e-mail: lgreene(at)
e-mail: jason.avery(at)
e-mail: crichards(at)
e-mail: esmith(at)
e-mail: mtekker(at)
e-mail: nkotch(at)
City of Kotzebue
258A Third Avenue
PO Box 46 Kotzebue, AK 99752
City Hall: (907) 442-3401
Fax: (907) 442-3742
Summary Sheet (doc)
Unofficial Election Results (doc)