9-1-1 Emergency Information

The City of Kotzebue provides a link between
the citizens of the city and public safety in the event of an emergency.

Kotzebue has had E-911 (Enhanced 911) since the Fall of 2006. Enhanced means dispatch should get a name an address of the caller (Land Lines). This doesn't mean you don't have to give or verify this information for the dispatcher. It does mean if you dial 911 and don't stay on the line, you'll get a call back and/or a visit by a police officer to be sure you are alright.

PLEASE put your house number, street and phone number on your telephones. You or a visitor in your house may not remember it or know it when necessary in the heat of the moment.

IF YOU MIS-DIAL 9-1-1 (some other numbers may forward to 9-1-1) please talk to the Dispatcher, and tell him/her you mis-dialed. No harm done.

When does a person call 9-1-1?

Listed below are some instances
where you should dial 9-1-1:

Crimes in Progress
Life Threatening/assault/Domestic Violence Situations
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Injuries requiring emergency medical attention
Hazardous chemical spills
Smoke detector or Carbon Monoxide Detectors sounding
Sparking electrical hazards
Smoke in a building

Below are some situations
when you should not dial 9-1-1:

Asking directions in the city (Call 442-3351)
Inquiring about school openings or closings (Call 442-3733)
Reporting a blocked driveway (Call 442-3401)
Reporting an obstructed hydrant (Call 442-3404)
Reporting a noise complaint (Call 442-3351)
Questions about traffic tickets/incident reports (Call 442-3351)
All other NON-EMERGENCY situations

Frequently Asked Questions:
What happens if I call 911 and hang-up before speaking to anyone?
At the 911 center, hang-up calls may be traced. The dispatcher may send a police unit to verify the situation. Please speak if you are able, traces can take some time.

Who am I actually calling?
When you dial 911, or 442-3351 you will speak to a fully trained Dispatch Officer/Corrections Officer in the emergency dispatch center inside the Kotzebue Regional Jail. These officers will relay the information, via radio or phone, to the appropriate agency, be it Police, Fire, Ambulance and Search and Rescue personnel.

911 Emergency Usage Tips

1. Try to remain calm, remember you may be the only source of information to the dispatcher. It is imperative that you can be understood. Remember trained emergency personnel will be at your house as soon as they can.

2. Tell the dispatcher your Location, Situation, Your name and Phone number, and other pertinent details such as people involved, descriptions of people or cars, time of occurrence. Please don’t yell, “I need the police here now” and hang up!

3. If you are in immediate danger (burning house, etc.) remove yourself and your family or seek shelter if the situation allows first. If you have a cordless or cellular phone with you, be sure to program 911 on your cordless phone. You may not believe it but dialing 911 may be difficult due to limited sight emotional state etc. Teach your children when and how to dial 911 in a responsible manner.

4. Dial 911 if the situation is an Emergency situation. Emergency situations are those situations in which a person’s health is immediately in jeopardy (injury, serious illness, thoughts of suicide, serious car accident, etc.), a crime has occurred or may be occurring or any other act due to its serious nature demands immediate attention by the police or fire department (electrical lines down etc.). If the situation is not an emergency situation please do not call 911. There are a limited number of 911 lines and a non-emergency call may preclude an emergency situation being able to reach our dispatchers. Call the business line at 442-3351 to report non-emergency situations or to ask for non-emergency assistance.

5. When you call 911 stay on the line with the dispatcher until you are told by he/she to break the connection. Your assistance may be required to guide in officers etc.

6. If you are unable to speak or are incapacitated call 911 and stay on the line. Your call can be traced on the 911. Officers will be sent to your location. Tracing may take some time.



Don't let your kids play with the phone.
Dispatch receives 10-20 bogus calls every DAY!
Teach them how to call for help,
their name and where they are.
Also- GCI phones - SOS is 9-1-1, not the help-desk!

Emergencies present a scary situation for children. At times they may not know what to do. Below you will find some tips on how to teach your child how to use and when to use the 9-1-1 system.

WHAT IS 9-1-1?

Some children may have heard about 9-1-1 from school, television, or friends, but may not understand what it is used for. Children may not be sure what a real emergency is. Remind children to dial 9-1-1 when they need help to save a life, stop a crime or report a fire. Inform your child that if they are ever lost and feel that they are not safe, to pick up a phone and dial 911 and they will be helped.


911 is set up in the villages to ring into Kotzebue. Long Distance service is not necessary for 911 to work. The Dispatcher must speak to someone directly to obtain address information for calls in the villages. The Alaska State Troopers respond to calls in the Villages. Village 911 is not, however, Enhanced 911 and location information will have to be provided by the caller.


The most important thing you can do is to talk with your child about 9-1-1 and when they should call. Tell your child that if they ever have to call 9-1-1 there will be person on the other end who is going to help them. Please teach children not to dial 911 (or play with the phone) when it is not an EMERGENCY. Children often dial 911 by accident or on purpose as a joke. If the line is unavailable for a real emergency, someone could easily come to harm.

When there are no adults at home every child or babysitter should have the following information posted by the phone:

A list of emergency numbers
Your home phone number and the address
Any other contact information (pager numbers, cell phone numbers, relative's numbers)

The best time to prepare for an emergency is now!! Don't wait until one happens!

Edited partially from text from the 'City of Cambridge' web-site.

To the Kotzebue Police Main Page

To the Kotzebue Police Main Page

To the Kotzebue Volunteer Fire Department Main Page

Updated April, 2001, April, 2008, December, 2009, February, 2012